Population Health Innovation & News

  • Predicting Falls After Discharge from the ED

    For America’s aging population, preventing falls is crucial for maintaining independence in their golden years. Brian Suffoletto, MD, and his team are using AI and digital technology to predict and prevent falls in older patients after leaving the emergency department (ED).

  • What Digital Health Tells Us About Disease

    Christine Ngaruiya, MD, uses Natural Language Processing to uncover gender disparities in noncommunicable diseases, while also leading initiatives at the intersection of health and climate change, fostering targeted interventions and policy changes worldwide.

  • Using AI to Save Lives in Rural Alaska

    Brian Rice, MD, uses machine learning to analyze medevac utilization in remote areas of Alaska where air transport is the lifeline for emergencies.

  • Evaluating Latinx Mental Health in the Community

    Jennifer Newberry, MD, JD, leads a bilingual team in a multi-year collaboration with community partners to assess and address mental health usage patterns in the East San José Latinx community.

  • Improving Care for Mothers Around the Globe

    In a global effort to increase access to quality emergency care for mothers and newborns, Peter Acker, MD an associate professor of emergency medicine is helping to improve emergency referrals.

  • Emergency Care Post-Dobbs

    Monica R. Saxena, MD, JD, assistant professor of emergency medicine, developed a protocol to offer medication abortions to patients in the Stanford Hospital emergency department (ED), in collaboration with Carl Preiksaitis, MD, emergency medicine fellow, and Andrea Henkel, MD, MS, assistant professor and complex family planning subspecialist in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

  • Emergency Care for Patients with Dementia

    Michelle Lin, MD, MPH, MS, an advocate for comprehensive geriatric care, investigates the accessibility and impact of geriatric emergency departments, aiming to bridge the gap for marginalized populations.

  • Caring for Children Before They Arrive at the Hospital

    Manish Shah, MD is currently involved in two clinical trials for children in the prehospital setting: a five-year study, Pediatric Dose Optimization for Seizures in Emergency Medical Services, and the Pediatric Prehospital Airway Resuscitation Trial.

  • Unveiling Child Trafficking Patterns

    Preeti Panda, MD, a pediatric emergency medicine fellow at Stanford, conducts research to shed light on the socio-economic characteristics of trafficking victims, paving the way for informed policy initiatives in emergency departments.

  • How digital tools are heading off alcohol-related health problems

    Brian Suffoletto, MD, associate professor of emergency medicine, views interactions with patients in the Emergency Department as valuable opportunities to identify specific risks and then facilitate positive behavior changes post-ED discharge using digital devices.

  • The Right Stroke Care at the Right Location

    Prasanthi Govindarajan, MD is using a multi-year Research Project grant from the Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to study the effect of state- and county-level stroke center bypass policies on patient outcomes.

  • Health Equity in the Pediatric ED with Dr. Cherrelle Smith

    Growing up in a small, rural community one hour away from the nearest in-network physician, Cherrelle Smith, MD was aware from an early age of limitations on access to health care. Now assistant medical director of the Stanford Pediatric Emergency Department (ED), Dr. Smith has focused her efforts on expanding access to care as well as mitigating the behaviors and microaggessions that can marginalize female and black physicians.

  • EMS in the Community: Training Local Partners

    The Stanford Department of Emergency Medicine’s Emergency Medical (EMS) section is closely integrated with surrounding communities stretching from San Francisco to Gilroy. Partnerships span all aspects of pre-hospital care and training for fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and even the National Park Service.

  • Using Digital Devices to Expand Care Beyond the Emergency Department

    As an associate professor of emergency medicine, Brian Suffoletto, MD sees emergency department (ED) patient encounters as opportunities to identify individuals with specific risks and connect them to effective interventions that help them adopt behavioral changes after they leave the ED.

  • Exploring the Need for Inclusion and Parity in EM

    Numbers tell a story and Christopher Bennett, MD is determined to share that story; in the past several years he and collaborators have published seven studies focused on parity and inclusion - or the lack thereof - in academic medicine and emergency medicine.

  • Improving Healthcare for At-Risk Populations

    Jody Vogel, MD, vice chair for academic affairs for Stanford’s Department of Emergency Medicine, is investigating interventions to reduce healthcare costs and improve the quality of care for frequent emergency department visitors with complex needs, thanks to a five-year Career Development Grant Award from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

  • Teaching LGBTQ+ Healthcare

    Mike Gisondi, MD led the development of a course to train providers around the country in inclusive care for LGBTQ+ patients.

  • Training Future Physicians on Health Equity and Social Justice

    Italo Brown, MD is working to ensure health equity and social justice training is part of medical school curriculum.

  • Burns in India: Emergency care improving, but patients often too injured to benefit

    Jennifer Newberry, MD, JD, a Stanford emergency medicine physician and researcher, and collaborators are working to understand and help those affected by burns in India. Their study, published in BMJ, provides insight into the need for greater mental health and gender-based violence support services for women in India.

  • Stanford-developed app curriculum empowers health care providers in India

    Four local facilitators in India utilized the curriculum app to train women from 54 villages in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. All the women, including Nisha, successfully passed a written exam and simulated patient scenarios. Most are the first trained medical providers in their villages.The app-based curriculum already has a track record of success in Haiti, where it was first developed.