Social Emergency Medicine & Population Health

Emergency Departments hold a unique position as the safety net for the healthcare system and the community.  Social Emergency Medicine investigates societal patterns of health inequity and social needs that contribute to disease to develop solutions to decrease health disparities for vulnerable populations.

Our Goals

Conduct and disseminate rigorous, ground-breaking research to identify health disparities and the role and impact of social determinants in emergency medicine.

Create innovative educational programming for students, residents, attendings and ancillary staff to stimulate discussion and  collaboration in Social Emergency Medicine.

Design and study novel ED-based interventions that confront the social determinants of health, with a particular focus on community service and engagement.

Create strong interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations, research networks and educational programs.


See our summary of Social Emergency Medicine in Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Former SEM fellow Italo Brown, MD explains his interest in Social Emergency Medicine See story

The SEM Announce podcast explores healthcare challenges in community, academic, county and rural settings. Listen

Social Emergency Medicine Fellowship

Stanford Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health Fellows have the opportunity to learn about social complexities that burden our ED patients, and explore community outreach, and clinical and health services research geared toward impacting population health and policy.

Learn more


Stanford is exploring interventions and programs that can address population health and policy.

SHARED project

We are actively working to inspire and lead national dialogue on a variety of topics critical to social emergency medicine.

Research projects

Studies & publications


lnnovative education programming is a key goal, particularly with undergraduate students and residents.


Ayesha Khan
Clinical Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Italo Milton Brown
Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine