Social Emergency Medicine
Madill, M., Irwin, J., Noll, A., Newberry, J.A., & Wang, N.E. (2016). Addressing the Social Determinants of Health Through Emergency Department-Based Community Partnerships. Abstract presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, Denver, CO.
Anderson ES, Lippert S, Newberry J, Bernstein E, Alter HJ, Wang NE. Addressing the Social Determinants of Health from the Emergency Department: The Practice of Social Emergency Medicine. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2016.5.30240
Anderson ES, Hsieh D, Alter HJ. Social Emergency Medicine: Embracing the Dual Role of the Emergency Department in Acute Care and Population Health. Annals of Emergency Medicine. PMID: 26921967
Chamberlain LJ, Wang NE, Ho ET, Banchoff AW, Braddock CH, Gesundheit N. Integrating collaborative population health projects into a medical student curriculum at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Acad Med 2008;83: 338-344. PMID: 18367891.
Huffman LC, Wang NE, Saynina O, Wren FJ, Wise PH, Horwitz SM. Predictors of hospitalization after emergency department visit for California children with psychiatric disorders and suicidality. Psych Serv 2012 Sep 1;63(9):896-905. PMID: 22710574.
Arroyo AC, Wang NE, Saynina O, Bhattacharya J, Wise PH. The influence of insurance status on emergency department disposition of injured children in California: 2005-2009. Acad Emerg Med; 2012 May;19(5):541-51. PMID: 22594358.
Hsia RY, Wang NE, Saynina O, Wise PH, Pérez-Stable EJ, Auerbach A. Factors associated with trauma center utilization for elderly patients with trauma: a statewide analysis, 1999-2008. Arch Surg 2011 May;146(5):585-92. PMID: 21242421
Hsia R, Wang NE, Saynina O, Wise P. Disparities in trauma center access despite increasing utilization: data from California, 1999-2006. J Trauma 2010 Jan;68(1):217-24. PMID: 19901854
Wang NE, Saynina O, Kuntz-Duriseti K, Mahlow P, Wise P. Variability in pediatric utilization of trauma facilities in California: 1999-2005. Ann Emerg Med 2008;52:607-615. PMID: 18562043. .
Wang NE, Chan J, Mahlow P, Wise P. Trauma center utilization for children 1998-2004: trends and areas for further analysis. Acad Emerg Med 2007:14(4): 309-15. PMID: 17296799.
Wang NE, Kiernan M, Golzari M, Gisondi M. Characteristics of pediatric patients at risk of poor emergency department aftercare compliance. Acad Emerg Med 2006; 13(8): 840-7. PMID: 16880500.
Wang NE, Golzari M, Gisondi M, van der Vlugt. T. Socioeconomic disparities negatively impact pediatric ED aftercare. Acad Emerg Med 2003;10(11):1-7. PMID: 14597505.
Yokell MA, Camargo CA, Wang NE, Delgado MK. Characteristics of U.S. emergency departments that routinely perform alcohol risk screening and counseling for patients presenting with drinking-related complaints. Western J of Emerg Med. 2014 July;15(4): 438-445. PMID: 25035750.
Kanak M, Delgado MK, Carmargo CA, Wang NE. Availability of Insurance Linkage Programs in U.S. Emergency Departments. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014 Jul;15(4):529-35. PMID: 25035763.
Rodriguez E, Austria D, Perlroth D, Becker E, Wang NE, Landau M. School nurses’ role in asthma management, school absenteeism and cost savings: a demonstration project. J Sch Health. 2013;83(12):842 -850. PMID: 24261518.
Delgado MK, Acosta CD, Ginde AA, Wang NE, Strehlow MC, Khandwala YS; Carmargo, CA. National Survey of Preventive Health Services in U.S. Emergency Departments. Ann Emerg Med. 2011 Feb;57(2):104-108. PMID: 20889237.
Anderson ES, Pfeil SK, Deering L, Todorovic T, Lippert S, White DAE. High-Impact Hepatitis C Virus Testing for Injection Drug Users (HIT IDU) in an Urban Emergency Department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. March 2016.
Anderson ES, Pfeil SK, Alter HJ, White DAE. Patient Understanding of HIV and Hepatitis C Testing in an Emergency Department with an Integrated Program. Journal of the International Providers of AIDS Care. February 2016. doi: 10.1177/2325957416629551. PMID: 26858313
White DAE, Anderson ES, Pfeil SK, Trivedi TK, Grossman S. Differences Between Emergency Nurse Perception and Patient Reported Experience with an Emergency Department HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Screening Program. Journal of Emergency Nursing. November 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.jen.2015.09.010. PMID: 26547573
White DAE, Anderson ES, Pfeil SK, Trivedi TK. Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Testing: Result Availability at Time of Discharge for Emergency Department Patients. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2016 Mar 1;71(3):e82-4 . PMID: 26536320.
White DAE, Anderson ES, Pfeil SK, Trivedi T, Alter HJ. Results of a Rapid Hepatitis C Screening and Diagnostic Testing Program in an Urban Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2016;67(1):119-28. January 2016. PMID: 26253712
Kanak M, Rutman L, Pirrotta E. Giammona M, Bermudez M, Wang NE. Emergency Department-Based Health Insurance Enrollment for Children: Does Linkage Lead to Insurance Retention and Utilization? Pediatric Emergency Care 2015;Jan 26. January 2015. Doi 10.1097/PEC.0000000000000340. PMID: 6456644.
Acosta C, Dibble C, Giammona M, Wang NE. A model for improving uninsured children’s access to health insurance via the emergency department. J Healthc Manag 2009 March/April;54(2):105-116. PMID: 19413165.
Anoshiravani A, Saynina O, Chamgerlain LJ, Goldstein BA, Huffman LC, Wang NE, Wise PH. Mental Illness Drives Hospitalizations for Detained California Youth: A Total Population Study. Accepted to Journal of Adolescent Health. May 2015.
Yokell MA, Delgado MK, Zaller ND, Wang NE, McGowan SK, Green TC. Prescription and Non-Prescription Opioid Overdose Presentations to US Emergency Departments. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Oct 27. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.5413. PMID: 25347221.
Grace AM. Lippert S. Collins K. Pineda N. Tolani A. Walker R. Jeong M. Boukhman Trounce M. Graham C. Bersamin M. Martinez J. Dotzler J. Vanek J. Oki K. Storfer-Isser A. Chamberlain LJ. Horwitz SM. Educating health care professionals on human trafficking. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2014;30-856-861.
Fahimi J, Aurrecoechea A, Anderson ES, Herring AA, Alter HJ. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Visits Among Adolescents Presenting to US Emergency Departments. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2015;31(5):331-338. PMID: 25875990
Fahimi J, Larimer E, Hamud-Ahmed W, Anderson ES, Schnorr CD, Yen I, Alter HJ. Long-Term Mortality of Patients Surviving Firearm Violence. Injury Prevention. [ePub ahead of print]. October 2015. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041710. PMID: 26506959
Newgard C, Kuppermann N, Holmes JF, Haukoos J, Wetzel B, Hsia R, Wang NE, Bulger EM, Staudenmayer K, Mann NC, Barton E, Wintemute GJ. Gunshot Injuries in Children Served by Emergency Services Compared with Other Injury Mechanisms. Pediatrics. Nov;132(5):862-70. PMID: 24127481.