EMS In The Community
The core mission of EMS is to provide medical care to the community. Stanford EMS is closely integrated with surrounding communities that stretch from San Francisco to Gilroy. Partnerships span all aspects of pre-hospital care and include fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and the National Park Service among others.
Our goal is to ensure first responders are well trained in leading-edge medicine beyond the doors of the Stanford Emergency Department and around the world.
Fire Department Partnerships
In a unique partnership, numerous faculty in the Department of Emergency Medicine serve as the collective medical director for nine fire agencies in multiple counties, providing crucial training in leading-edge emergency care, and creating a seamless network of support for patients in the community. Learn more.
Life Flight
Life Flight is the only academic hospital-based flight program in California as well as the oldest flight program in California. Stanford emergency medicine faculty collaborate closely to train LifeFlight nurses and provide additional support on ride-alongs.
StEMS is a student-run EMS program that provides EMT-level medical coverage to numerous special events at Stanford. StEMS is an opportunity to train the next generation of EMS leadership, and most of the students receive their EMT training through the Stanford EMT program operated by the division of EMS.
Local EMS Agency Leadership
Our faculty provide medical direction for some of California's 33 Local EMS Agencies. This includes developing protocols, procedures, and scope of practices for pre-hospital care for the state, and advocacy on policies and legislation.
EMS division faculty work closely with faculty from Stanford Emergency Medicine International in the design of EMS systems worldwide and in the training of providers in numerous countries, including India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar.
Stanford division of Emergency Medical Services is creating a mobile training unit out of a former emergency response vehicle. Once complete, the unit will provide rapid on-site and case-specific training to providers throughout several counties.